Boot Sale Booking Form Items marked * are mandatory… If you are human, leave this field blank.Giant Charity Car Boot Sale Part of Lions Fun Day, Monday 26th May 2025 Victory Field, Frome Road Bradford on Avon BA15 1LE Conditions of Entry Advance bookings £12.50 per pitch (if paid by Saturday 24th May) Entry on day is £15 per pitch by cash or cheque, only if spaces are available. No admission to Victory Field before 7am. Sale ends at 4.30pm. Spaces will be allocated by Lions Club marshals as vehicles arrive. Pitches are approx. 5 metres wide. This is suitable for one car. All goods must be contained within this area. Larger vehicles will require more than one pitch. Light vehicles and vans only. No lorries will be allowed on the site. Bradford on Avon Lions Club reserve the right to refuse entry. The sale of food and drink is prohibited. No firearms, knives, tobacco, alcohol or controlled substances Bradford on Avon Lions Club cannot accept responsibility for damage to vehicles, display equipment, goods offered for sale or any other property of entrants, however caused. Please Note: Booking fees are non-refundable. Charity number 1195385 Book and Pay for your slot now. To reserve a plot, please complete this form and submit the appropriate payment. 1 x 5 metre pitch £12.50 2 x 5 metre pitch £25.00 3 x 5 metre pitch £37.50 Please book on line by bank transfer. Please include your name and ‘Boot Sale’ in the Reference - payment to: Bradford on Avon Lions Club A/c number 01467937 Sort code 30-98-75 If a bank transfer is not possible, we will accept cheques made payable to ‘BOA Lions Club’. - Post cheques to: BOA Lions, 2A Springfield, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1BB. Confirmation of pitch and receipts emailed after payment received.Date *Enter dateName *Enter your nameEmail *Enter your email addressPhoneEnter your telephone numberPitch Type *Select pitch required1 x 5 metre pitch £12.50 2 x 5 metre pitch £25.00 3 x 5 metre pitch £37.50Payment By *Select method of paymentBank TransferChequeAdditional InfoEnter any other infoSubmitreCAPTCHA is required.